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About imonous

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  1. Simply AMAZING!

    You missed it, its right above your head p.s. I love your signature, thanks for the laugh.
  2. Simply AMAZING!

    A few tidbits of info on the inner sound current taken from myself and others: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Self Quote from: "I'm surprised noone has mentioned listening to the inner sound, IME its the quickest way to "ensnare" awareness and completely turn the mind inside out. It is very easy for the mind to become obsorbed in sound." "You know, the ringing you hear in complete silence. Here's a current discussion thats been going on for over a year now. This particular post pretty much sums up the experience: "For most people if they listen for it they'll find a quiet sound which is there continuously, and they may direct their attention on that sound... when the mind settles on that sound the listener notices more and more complexity in it and it becomes quite the amazing thing." The key is to listen and let go into it, stills the mind like nothing else. Another wonderful benefit is that it transforms or progresses itself. All you need to do is relax, breathe, and listen." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- External Quote from: This primal vibration or Sound is in its nature transcendental and therefore perceived in silence. Jesus' disciples called it the "Holy Spirit" or the "Word" (which is from the Greek word "Logos," meaning sound). "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." After Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment, He spoke of this Sound too, calling it the "drum of immortality" Krishna equated Himself with the "sound in ether" Mohammed perceived this Sound in the cave at Gare-Hira when He had a vision of the archangel Gabriel, and Lao Tzu described the Tao as the "Great Tone". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of my favorite all time quotes, source unknown: “The knower of the mystery of the Sound knows the mystery of the whole Universe.”
  3. Simply AMAZING!

    Thank you for sharing! I don't like putting names to things but Jhana descriptions list pretty much word for word the experience of this technique. One of the stages on wikipedia has confirmed a hunch i had about where to go next. Balancing inner & outer against themselves. "He discerned that 'There is a further escape,' and pursuing it there really was for him." After a lot of reflection ive come to the realization that there are two distinctive types of complete absorption of awareness. 1. The inner absorption which stems from inner/void types of meditation. 2. The outer absorption which stems from outer focus & meditation. They are both very distinctive for me but lead to the same sense of euphoria, no mind, and lasting complete physical/mental autonomy. Its probably easier to conceptualize this as reaching two opposite ends of a spectrum of awareness. The spectrum goes from inner (buddha-primordial awareness) to outer (post-mordial awareness). With my practices in inner meditation i noticed that after a while my mind would be able to reach that extreme state & retain more and more cognition. Im "assuming" the same will happen with this outer practice after some time. My next step is to merge the two. Reach my inner absorption point, and then use my remaining cognition to reach the outer extreme and hold them both at the same time. p.s. Atma & Moonbar, i did a short write-up on this forum a while back abou the inner sound which became a very interesting discussion. When i find it ill post it for you guys.
  4. Simply AMAZING!

    Hi Seth, you are spot on. I can actually "feel" that deepening and self expansion. Its very similar to another practice of mines where id sit in a room and reach a silent state of focus. My focus would be on the 4 walls surrounding me, instead of feeling my body id focus on feeling the walls and eventually everything in the room besides myself. At first it is purely conceptual, and then the body sense of feeling sort of catches on and shifts. Alchemy!
  5. Simply AMAZING!

    Ok, today was a very “enlightening” experience for me. So I decided to take a trip to a mountain trail near my house. I usually come here when I need to get away and be in nature. It’s a very relaxing and beautiful place. I have a nice “bond” with the animals and they do not fear or show aggression towards me and ive noted this in the past with aggressive dogs. I even ate with mr. flurry before he ran off to play with some turtles lol: Anyway, lately ive been experimental with a lot of techniques id developed over the past years and it seems I finally “got one”. This one is a combination of the inner sound technique and distance seeing. So I began with my gaze focusing at the top of a nearby hill. It was the furthest and highest “object” in my vision. After resting/quieting my mind on it I began to expand my vision to focus on that point and everything in my peripheral, pretty much become totally absorbed in visual consciousness. Then I switched to the ears. Ive posted in the past about listening to the inner sound, its that ringing sound that you hear in total silence. Once I was visually absorbed it became VERY easy to find and focus. When I heard/remembered I was completely pulled into it. That sound became the background of everything. Ive never had a “conscious” experience quite like this. I literally disappeared. It was frightening and amazing at the same time. I was extremely hyper conscious of everything. Its almost impossible to portray, I did not feel like I was inside my body but just a “mass” of awareness. I forgot how to move my physical body at one point, actually I forgot I even had one. Im considering switching to this as my foundational practice. My mind feels GREAT and im in super focus mode right now, and kinda giddy and euphoric (edited because im so "high" and messed up a bunch of words lol)
  6. How to get into Focused Trance State

    And if any of you seriously attempt this let me know your results. You will definitely have to probe for that upper spot above your head. Mentally look up directly above your head, and slowly move your gaze/attention toward the back of your head until you feel a comfortable spot.
  7. How to get into Focused Trance State

    I posted this in a recent thread (, try it, it works: "2. When you meditate, doesnt matter eyes open or close, focus your gaze above your head as high as you can comfortably go. Initially it is ok to physically look up with your eyes, but the goal is to be able to keep your eyes straight ahead but "conceptually" hold your attention above your head. This particular state i have found is very useful for maintaining "extraordinary" mindstates as it actually become very difficult to think and the effects are long lasting. Over time extend the reach of your "upward" attention as high as you can. plus id like to add that the point of focus for #2 is not exactly in the direct center of the head, but more towards the rear close to the "hole" or soft palate of the head. Also this become more effective while holding a very subtle smile. " Learn how to dial that sweet spot of balanced attention between that point and the rest of your vision/sense. It expands your awareness. p.s. My 3rd method in that thread works very well for this also, but i seem to get a higher "high" from this one.
  8. 11:11:11

    And where is the world? Is our planet separate from the universe? Are thoughts separate and disconnected from the universe? And by universe i mean everything that "is", and "isnt". Not just the physical planets, stars, and space. You are in the universe, therefore the universe is in you. If you look over the course of history one thing jumps out at you. Every time man has attempted to "fix" some natural imbalance, we end up either A. Making it worse or B. Creating a new problem. This is even reflected in chi cultivation, we try to "fix" some perceived imbalance and wind up hurting ourselves, when we should just relax, let go and let the chi do its thing. I take it you do know the yin/yang "theory"? When one side reaches its peak it spontaneously transforms into its other aspect. All that false yang stuff is only a perception, of which there exist many others simultaneously. Who are "we" anyway to say something is imbalanced or "wrong"? p.s. Dont take me too seriously 11-11-11!!!! rofl
  9. 11:11:11

    rofl i also overslept like hell this morning! Maybe our internal alarm clocks became aligned lol
  10. 11:11:11

    If that is the case then why honor yin when today is yang? If today is November im not gonna celebrate August, im gonna celebrate November while its here. Why not just accept the yang and be yang? The universe balances itself and doesn't need "our" help. I understand your intention but your saying just doesn't make sense to me, can you make it?
  11. 11:11:11

    Just thought id chime in with a "Happy 11-11-11!!"
  12. Hi witch, you are definitely not alone. I've been apprehensive about the experiences ive shared on this board because so many people here tend to be so nihilistic and anti-phenomena. For me it "started" about two years ago but really kicked in this august. I noticed an unmistakable increase in synchronicity and coincidences in my life that just couldn't be explained by any rational means. And im talking about VERY complex events that seem to "put" themselves together with some kind of intention behind them. My friends have been witnesses of a lot of these and we all agree that "something" strange and bigger than all of us is happening. They are mostly Christians so they attribute it to the work of god. Even my communication is becoming very synchronistic as i will occasionally say things and people around me would look astonished as it would be a response to a statement they just made in their heads. And this hasnt been a one-off thing, its been happening quite regularly and goes the other way as well with people saying things in response to something i had thought. Even what i saw as my mistakes id made seemed to happen in such perfect timing as to lead to positive and rapid growth. Also the effectiveness of my own personal practices have seemed to increase almost infinitely. It is very interesting that you mention the thing about goals. Last week i stumbled upon a business idea that i am currently racing to complete, and if everything goes according to plan, which it is, i stand to be making at LEAST 6 figures this time next year. The funny thing is its been sitting right under my nose for the past year and i was aware of all the pieces but lacked the conceptual perception to "see" them all together. Little to say this up and coming year will bring big changes for me and will be a very exiting time in my life.
  13. Blurry Vision

    Bump, plus id like to add that the point of focus for #2 is not exactly in the direct center of the head, but more towards the rear close to the "hole" or soft palate of the head. Also this become more effective while holding a very subtle smile.
  14. Blurry Vision

    Yayy a topic for me! Have you noticed that when you think your eyes become less focused on the outside world? As in it is very difficult, if not impossible to deeply contemplate and maintain a high degree of visual awareness/concentration. Also interesting to note that a lot of intellectuals have vision problems. Someone posted an article on here a little while ago about china, where after introducing school and thought based learning visual problems began to literally soar, and within a generation or so the need for glasses became commonplace and eventually accepted as a norm. Since you are exploring this phenomenon these 3 exercises of mine may be of particular value to you: 1. Go outside, to a place where there is lots of space. Focus on the most distant object that you can comfortably see, once your eyes find a comfortable place just relax and remain aware of this distant object. Eventually try to expand your visual field to include everything around it as well, ie. peripheral vision. 2. When you meditate, doesnt matter eyes open or close, focus your gaze above your head as high as you can comfortably go. Initially it is ok to physically look up with your eyes, but the goal is to be able to keep your eyes straight ahead but "conceptually" hold your attention above your head. This particular state i have found is very useful for maintaining "extraordinary" mindstates as it actually become very difficult to think and the effects are long lasting. Over time extend the reach of your "upward" attention as high as you can. 3.Pick two objects in your peripheral vision and maintain "dual" awareness of these two objects. Over time it seems to expand your "normal" operating field of vision and colors become more vivid as well, and i mean to an extreme degree. (Could just be me, i used to have myopia) Learn to operate your eyes as two separate units, and then again as one. 1 and 2 both lead to similar states with very different qualities. p.s. Do you know where your eye movements begin? Hint: Its not the eyes (edited to add a 3rd exercise)
  15. Energy, Chi, and transmission...

    Its really a combination of both. When i was 16 i experimented which edging. I was attempting to physically masturbate and not orgasm in an attempt to save the built up energy, and it worked very well for me. While "practicing" one night i took my hand off my "john" and felt the energy stick to my hand. Over the next 2 years i slowly developed a steady practice of moving the energy to various parts of my body and eventually learned to tap into the energy at will, without the extra "stimulation". The breath works as a wonderful aid for me and acts almost like a "container" for the energy if that makes sense. I will breath into a body part, fill the part with energy, and after a while it becomes a bubble and i "pop" it. What is very intriguing to me is that the effects of growing and popping these bubbles differ remarkably depending on the body part im doing it with. For example, I used to have horrible social anxiety, but i find that focusing and popping energy in my hands "manually" eliminates it, it feels like im somehow "merging" or expanding into the scenery. In applying this technique to my feet it, after i pop the bubbles it feels like it dissipates and i feel a cold "breeze" sort of rise over my body, which feels very refreshing and is usually what makes me and others sneeze. It feels very good and relaxing. On another note, ive often felt very subtle vibrations in my hands and never considered "tuning" in to these, but it makes sense for me to be able to do so. Im interested in hearing any vibratory techniques/experiences you might have, if anyone is so kind and blessed enough to share : )