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About baiqi

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    Dao Bum
  1. Taoist greeting

    It's been a long time... I am still not sure, but I think it's because of the idea that Taoists' main goal is longevity, if not immortality. So it would be like asking "how good a taoist priest are you". The taboo for Buddhist monks would be to ask their (real) name, since their goal is o get rid of the ego. Again, these "taboos" are not so strong, I'm sure they have to give their names and ages for the administration.
  2. How to translate 仙道?

    Well, all the translations I have seen are OK (except maybe for the "saint" one, that would be more a translation of 圣). The key here is context. So your last post was quite needed. "Taoist arts" is a bit too vague I think, because to me, these arts may include stuff like feng shui, astronomy, martial arts, gardening etc. With 仙道, we are talking about alchemy, with the purpose of becoming a 仙, frequently translated as "immortal". "Way of immortality" is still the best, from what I've read.
  3. Red sphere in my bedroom last night ?

    I had the same experience years ago, after a meditation session. I was not afraid at all, actually, it felt normal, even funny; I started to play with the ball, realizing it was moving with my hands movements. The size of the ball would even change at times. It made me laugh, as if I was on weed or something (but I wasn't). It lasted maybe 10 minutes? It's only after a while that I realized that it was not something usual... And it never happened again since.
  4. 那么[骑马步]要怎么站才能稳当? So, how to obtain stability by practicing the horse stance? 要怎么站才能作为行动的根基?要怎么站才能产生招式的力量?要怎么站才能不会成为身体的累赘? 各门各派有大马、小马、高马、低马、死马、活马等等的战法,表面乍看不同,要领其实类似,本文蒐集了陈家太极拳陈子明前辈,陈发科前辈,杨家太极拳 楊澄甫前辈, 形意、八卦、太极名家孙禄堂前辈,八卦拳尹玉章前辈, 宮宝田 前辈, 少林、武当名家郭粹亚,自然们大师万籁声前辈、南拳大师林世荣前辈,摔跤大王场东升,八步螳螂名家微笑堂,名不见经传,但是弓架产谨的山东宁津八极拳架,这些人物时空派别差距很大,但是他们的骑马步却显示出共通的原则,或者可以说呈现出骑马步的真理。 How to practice so as standing becomes the basis for movement? How to practice so as it brings strength to your movements? How to practice so as your body doesn't become a burden? Every school has large, small high, low, dead and living horse (etc.) stances in their fighting techniques. Even if they look different, their characteristics are the same. This article collects Chen Ziming and Chen Fake from the Chen family taijiquan, Yang Chengfu from the Yang family taijiquan, the famous master of xingyi, bagua and taiji, Sun Lutang, Yin Yuzhang and Gong Baotian from the Yin style baguaquan, Guo Cuiya, a master of both Wudang and Shaolin arts, Wan Laisheng from the Natural Boxing school, the great Southern boxer Lin Shirong, Yang Dongsheng, the king of shuaijiao (Chinese wrestling), Wei Xiaotang from the eight step praying mantis boxing, as well as people unknown, practicing bajiquan in the Ningjing area... all these men lived in different places and times, yet, there horse stance showed the same principles. Or we could say that they could show the truth behind the horse stance.
  5. I will do the translation, bit by bit, then: 骑马步要领 Important points to observe when practicing the horse stance [骑马步]是人类用两条腿站立最稳当的基本步行、所以虽然中国武术派别众多,各有所长,但是几乎都是以[骑马步]作为入门第一棵,甚至很多传统练法要求站步三年再走下一个进度,意思是说,把脚步先站稳了才有资格打拳。 The horse stance is the most stable position for a man standing on his two feet. Therefore, even if there are many different schools of Chinese martial arts, each one of them having strong points, they almost all practice the horse stance as their introduction lesson, so much that many tradictional methods of developpement consider that it must be practised for three years before going to the next step. The meaning of this is that one must first have a strong (leg) foundation to be qualified to practice the boxing.
  6. Colors of Dragons

    The "dark warrior" is the main deity of the Wudang mountains, since the 13th century. 玄武: "xuan" is the dark color, can also be translated as "mysterious", "secret" and so on. You have that character in the "mysterious female 玄牝in the Daode jing. Wu is "martial". It is related to the tortoise that is protection, and the snake that has venom. It has become the symbol of the north, and its related element, water. The other deity that has human form is 真武, the "true warrior", and is an immortal (meaning he was human before becoming a divinity). He is frequently pictured with the tortoise and snake at his feet. Some historians think there is a connection with the indian deity Mahakala.
  7. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    Cultivating heart nature is a very important point in practice. Thanks for opening that thread. However, would it be possible to just not talk about the classics (which are interesting as well), but also to share about practices, experiences, etc.? The classics quoted here are mainly about ethics, which is fine (and for many people, required), but I believe that heart cultivation goes way beyond that.
  8. Mmm...I'll have questions for you in the future, I believe.
  9. Do I need to study the classics?

    You should read the classics (especially the Yi jing)... if you have a taste for it! You sound like you are interested, so, sure go for it!
  10. Funny, the kangaroo seems to do Thaï boxing (grab and use the legs/knees).
  11. Some women can train harder than men...
  12. There is no fear, no emotion in real intuition
  13. Inner Visualization

    Interesting. However, it should be stressed that these are just beginners methods. They are good to help the mind focus and to some extent guide your energy, but they won't take you as far as "no object" styles of mediatation (such as Zen, Zuowang, Vipassana and so on). I personnaly prefer methods that focus on the body, breath/qi feeling than using mental imagery. Or, visualisation can be used only when you don't have the feeling. Then you drop it.
  14. Getting Up at Sunrise

    Used to do that when I was in China: people practice early there. I really would like to do that more, but family life makes it a little difficult.
  15. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    Daoists should have better things to do than fight verbally about lineages.