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About Blissmusic

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  1. Self realization is the realization of the Self, or Atman. The Self can be related to the experience of impersonal being, or the sense that you are pure consciousness, or that you are silence itself or awareness itself. Self realization could also be said to be the freedom from the sense of being a personal “me.” You transcend your ego identity and realize that you always were and always will be consciousness itself. Stress is created out of this sense of being a personal “me.” This personal me arises out of identifying with your thoughts. You believe you are the thinker of your thoughts. The thought arises “I don’t like potato chips” and you are the “I” in that sentence. And so every desire, fear, worry and thought that arises, you are the subject that is in fear, that desires, that worries. So it is a feeling of being bound, of being trapped in a separate sense of “I” that is in opposition to the rest of the world. It is the source of all conflict. But once you start turning your attention back upon this “me” that claims to be and have all of these thoughts, you find there is no “me” there. And this happens through meditation. Beyond the thought that “I am this,” there is no sense of personal “me” here. There is only impersonal being. And this being is aware, it is awareness itself. It exists beyond all thoughts. In fact, all thoughts arise out of it. So through this inquiry or other meditation techniques you begin to rest your attention on what is prior to this sense of being a personal me. And after a while there will be a shift, that attachment to being a separate “me” gets broken and you realize the Self, you realize you are consciousness. The feeling of this is very freeing, very peaceful and blissful. It can be a feeling of being silence or being love. But although you realize that consciousness is all that there is, there is still a very subtle sense of separation that is still there. It is not a concrete separation, but it is still there. The experience of Oneness is when you go even beyond The Self, and you feel you are everything. So self realization is you are consciousness and in oneness you are everything. Understanding this from the mind may seem like a small distinction, but it is quite a big difference. In self realization, as you remain identified with The Self, it is an inward experience, not an outward experience and there is that separation between inward and outward. You often here self realized teachers saying there is no world, it is all illusion. But in oneness, there is no separation between inward and outward. There is no denying the world. You are everything. You are fully free from being anything. There is a great release in this, an intense feeling of unconditional love. You feel yourself moving through everyone and everything. Everything is alive and radiating love just as you are alive and radiating love and there is no separation in that. You are the universe. You are the world. You are love itself. To experience either Self Realization or Oneness, spiritual practice especially meditation is needed, a healthy diet and lifestyle is also quite important and other spiritual disciplines beyond that will probably be practiced. But the most important part of attaining self realization or oneness is to receive the shaktipat from an Enlightened Master. When you receive shaktipat, the process of self realization and oneness begin to happen automatically deep within you. You begin to experience a spiritual energy within you, vibrating and moving through your body, awakening you to deep states of meditation and unconditional peace. Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music Shaktipat Meditation Music Proven Repeatedly to Awaken You into Deep Meditation & Oneness To Hear Free Samples Visit the Spiritual Awakening Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Self Realization Please Visit the Spiritual Enlightenment Website
  2. The collected works of Blissmusic

    How to Attain Perfect Bliss "Self acceptance is the beginning of true meditation. When you fully allow everything to be exactly as it is then you transcend that level of experience. You allow the body to be as it is and your awareness expands beyond the body. You allow the emotions to be as they are and your awareness expands beyond emotion. You allow thoughts to be as they are, and your awareness expands beyond the thinking. If there is any urge to change something, improve something, then there is conflict and you remain stuck in that which you wish to change. Many see happiness as some future goal: 'If I can heal my emotions, if I can stop reacting in this way, if I can be free of these memories, if I can stop my thoughts then I will be happy.' And so there are all of these different modes of healings and therapies and belief systems giving you the illusion that if you just work on yourself hard enough and long enough then you can be a perfect person. And nothing could be farther from the truth. I am not knocking self improvement, it has its purpose, but it also gives you the illusion that some time in the future you will be good enough. Which means you are not good enough now. The underlying condition of self improvement is that how you are in this moment is wrong. You are a glitch in the system and you need to be fixed. Yet from your natural state of pure awareness everything is perfect as it is. Not as a judgment but that which is self evident. So when you enter meditation, accept yourself as you are. This is not 'I love myself as I am' or any other psychological therapy. It is to accept everything as it is all the way to the core. You let it all be exactly as it is without any involvement. You let go of trying to do it, trying to control it and allow that which cannot be known to take over. Because then you relax into the essence of that experience. And the essence of all experience is consciousness. One all encompassing perfect consciousness that lights up the whole show. That is the whole show. And the nature of consciousness is bliss. Perfect bliss. Blessings, Kip" Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music- Meditation Music with a Unique Shakti Sound Technology That Awakens You into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss For Free Samples Visit The Enlightened Meditation CD Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit The Teachings on Enlightenment Website
  3. The collected works of Blissmusic

    Thank you, Way, I am happy to hear it. Much love, Kip
  4. Thank you, Mal. Then should I simply start a thread and post them to the same thread from now on?
  5. The collected works of Blissmusic

    I am not sure how posting my articles in the articles section is spam.
  6. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "If you observe your experience in this moment, then you are not controlling this moment in any way, you are not involved with it in any way. From witnessing, there is the flow of energy that is happening, that is arising by itself, that is creating the movement of all phenomena in this moment. The thoughts arise in this flow of energy, the sensations arise and change in this flow of energy, it is all the flow of one energy, arising out of consciousness and dissolving back into consciousness. The energy takes the shape of certain thoughts and then the thoughts dissolve back into energy and then the energy forms into other thoughts, or other emotions before dissolving back into energy. So you see in this there is nothing to change. Whether you experience loneliness or joy, it is all the flow of the same energy. From the witness it is all a flow of the same bliss. It is complete and perfectly content within itself. It is simply a matter of letting go of this need to control, change or distract yourself from this moment. You let go of that actual contraction of identifying with this moment, of being involved with thinking and rest as the witness, and then there is just this beautiful flow of energy, the nature of which is bliss. Blessings, Kip" Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music- Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss For Free Samples Visit The Spiritual Awakening CD Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website
  7. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "In meditation you are not moving in a linear line going from one place to another. Rather you are moving deeper into this moment. So the most important part of meditation, if you are practicing the path of awareness is to allow yourself to rest in this moment. To allow everything to be exactly as it is and relax into it and sink right through it. This sounds quite easy, but when you are constantly looking forward, trying to attain something trying to get somewhere, then when you actually try and rest in this moment, you are confronted with something that you want to escape. It's like the closer you are to no separation you really feel that sense of separation the strongest. When you are busy looking forward in time or backwards in time then you have successfully escaped fully feeling separation. But the moment you give up this linear movement you are confronted with what is here. And then there is the need for complete surrender, to fully allow yourself to sink into feeling what is here. To fully immerse yourself into what is here beyond the thoughts, the emotions, and the physical sensations. There cannot be any looking for it to be a certain way. You cannot look for there to be a payout. But the moment you give up this constant urge to move forward towards something, and sink into this moment, you are immersed in peace. And then the practice is to relax more and more into the depth of consciousness which exists outside of time. To sink deeper and deeper into the eternal stillness of this moment that lies beneath all movement. Blessings, Kip" Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music- Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss For Free Samples Visit The Spiritual Awakening CD Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website
  8. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "It makes no difference what technique or method you practice, it is that you give yourself completely to that practice that matters. It can be as simple as watching your breath. If you really give your full attention to watching your breath then you will move beyond yourself, you will find freedom. If you are willing to let go of the idea that you know better and really plunge yourself wholeheartedly into a spiritual practice without looking for something in return, then somewhere along the line something will happen, the floor will fall out from beneath you and you will disappear into a place that has no words, no teachings, no attainments, just the complete contentment to be silence or to love God or however else it may be for you. Blessings, Kip" Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music- Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss For Free Samples Visit The Spiritual Awakening CD Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website
  9. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "That which you assume yourself to be is not actually a thing, but an action. It is the action holding on. In every moment, you are unconsciously holding on to an idea of who you are. And although this idea of who you are is constantly changing moment to moment, the action of holding on remains the same, giving you the feeling that there is a 'you' moving in time, changing and transforming, learning and growing. But if you become aware of this action of holding on and even for this moment let go of this action of holding, then you fall into this moment and see very clearly, beyond the intellect that everything is arising by itself, radiating forever fresh and new out of this moment. You move beyond the idea of this you moving linear in time and experience conscious radiance, not as a person but as conscious radiance itself. You realize your natural state of peace where there is no such thing as stress. Blessings, Kip" Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music- Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss For Free Samples Visit The Shakti Meditation Music Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit The Teachings on Enlightenment Website
  10. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "We want to get you out of your mind, out of the controlled idea that you are an intelligent and together person and into what is here in this moment beyond such ideas. The mind is always trying to put things in order. But once the mind puts things in order, you are out of touch with what is here. Unconsciously, the mind has an image of how a perfect person should be and the mind tries to emulate that. Not on a conscious level, you are not intentionally doing it. But once you do it, then consciousness cannot touch you. Life cannot touch you. So the first step in surrender is to be aware of this. Be aware of how the mind tries to put everything into neat little piles of understandings and justifications. Second is to allow yourself to become undone. Allow yourself to be naked and raw in this moment. Experience with pure honesty what is here in this moment without holding on to any ideas of what that might be. It is this honest awareness that is the key. We refer to ourselves as someone in time. Someone with past experiences and memories. But I want you to go beyond that thought construct and truly experience what is here. Because what is here is only here now and then it is gone. There is such freedom just in that realization. You can only feel this moment. You can't do it with the mind, you have to feel it. Beyond emotion, beyond the intellect. Surrender to what is here completely. Give up being together and simply fall apart in this moment and experience what is left. Then you will truly experience peace. You will truly experience freedom. You will realize that silence that is underneath everything. That silence that only fully reveals itself when you have come undone. Blessings, Kip" Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music- Meditation Music With a Unique Sound Technology Proven To Awaken You into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss For Free Samples Visit The Enlightened Meditation Music Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website
  11. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "In meditation everything gets stripped down to its essence. All of these seemingly different things, the body, the mind thoughts, emotions, consciousness, outer objects, are revealed to be one thing. And it is not a thing, but rather, it is energy, fluid, moving, conscious energy. And with awareness you begin to recognize this flow of energy. You begin to taste the peace and the bliss that is a result of this flow. So another way to look at meditation or whatever spiritual process you practice is that you are fully awakening and allowing this energy to flow, uninterrupted. You learn to awaken the energy and then get out of your own way so this Shakti can move through you and as you, so that this dense separate mass of contraction can relax into bliss, can come back to its true nature. And this happens even on the physical level. The pathways in the body are opened up so that the energy can flow freely and your awareness can expand far beyond the body into infinity. Blessings, Kip" Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music- Meditation Music Proven To Awaken You into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss For Free Samples Visit The Enlightened Meditation Music Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit The The Spiritual Enlightenment Website
  12. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "Separation is not your natural state. You are not separate from everything and trying to get to oneness. You are doing separation. You are actively separating yourself from this moment. And I am not saying not to have definitions, not to call a chair a chair. All of this happens. This duality happens in nonduality. It is not one or the other, it the same. But because you latch on to the definitions you do not see the essence of what is here. It is not wrong to do this, but if you want to be free of stress, of anxiety and conflict, it is important to realize you are doing stress, you are doing anxiety you are doing conflict. Because the mind is so active, it appears that this is just occurring and you are simply a victim of suffering. But once the thoughts begin to slow down and things become more in balance, you begin to recognize this action of separation, this action of creating yourself to be a something against everything else. Something that needs to be protected that needs to control everything else in order to survive. And when you clearly see this, you can learn to stop doing it, you learn to let it go when it arises. Whatever arises, instead of taking a position in it, instead of grabbing hold of it, you simply allow it to arise and disappear in the same way bubbles rise up in club soda. They arise in water and disappear in water. You feel the bubbles arising you experience the bubbles arising but not as something separate. You allow the bubbles and remain as water. You stop fixating on definitions and remain in and as the unknowing. Blessings, Kip" Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music- Enlightenment CDs Proven To Awaken You into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss For Free Samples Visit The Enlightened Spirituality CD Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website
  13. The collected works of Blissmusic

    "Meditation is a bit like gardening. You plant some carrot seeds and then every day you water it, you pull the weeds, you nourish the carrot plant in every way you can. You don't expect a carrot instantly. But out of love for gardening you do the work without expecting anything in return. And then one day to your surprise, there is the carrot, beautiful, orange and delicious. Same with meditation. You commit yourself to meditation without expecting anything in return. You give yourself to this moment out of the love of giving. Because some days it will be challenging. Some days awareness will be blissful and some days awareness will be a challenging surrender to the intensity that is here. But simply by meditating and by nourishing your awareness in every way you can, one day without even focusing on it, you could be reading a book or walking in the woods and suddenly there is an opening, suddenly bliss is radiating freely from your heart. Without you thinking about it. Without you do anything on your part. It arises on its own, at its own time, yet it arises also because you planted the seed and helped it grow. Blessings, Kip" Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music- Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss For Free Samples Visit The Enlightened Spirituality CD Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website