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About liminal_luke

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Transgender Q&A

    On the bright side, Maddie started a thread about transgender issues and the most controversial subject to come up today is Lord Byron.
  2. Transgender Q&A

    All that dark meticulously gleaming wood does look a bit vampiric.
  3. Transgender Q&A

  4. Transgender Q&A

    Most people here give themselves high-sounding aspirational names like Mysterious Sharon or Waterfall of Reckless Beauty. Ya gotta wonder about a person who surveys the infinite variety of the English language and then dubs themselves surrogate corpse.
  5. Transgender Q&A

    How does surrogate corpse get across town? She takes public transit.
  6. Transgender Q&A

    The time is coming, mark my words, when being trans will be depressingly normal. Enjoy your freaky malevolence while you can.
  7. Transgender Q&A

    I canĀ“t comment on your malevolence or lack thereof, but IĀ“m not going to forget the penis of feminine power anytime soon.
  8. Transgender Q&A

    IĀ“m reminded of the time, many years ago, when I strolled through PortlandĀ“s Saturday market hand-in-hand with my then boyfriend. Even in uber-liberal Portland, Oregon we still got looks, albeit mostly of shocked approval. IĀ“m a fairly introverted person and not used to taking "center stage" but I remember thinking there was a strange power in being able to command attention just by holding hands. All things considered, I wish my public handholding was an everyday event, but if ya gotta be a freak I guess ya might as well lean in. Was I being malevolent? Some probably thought so.
  9. Transgender Q&A

    Thanks this issue came up with my momĀ“s partner and his transwoman daughter. My momĀ“s partner wanted to share memories of his daughterĀ“s childhood "when she was a boy." This didnĀ“t go over well. HeĀ“d saved a bunch of childhood toys for her and she didnĀ“t want them, seemed to want to disavow her past. This was understandably difficult for my momĀ“s partner.
  10. Transgender Q&A

    I have a question. Is it better to refer to a transgender person as always having been the gender they transitioned into? Is it OK when taking to a transgender woman, for instance, to say "when you were a boy..."?
  11. Transgender Q&A

    Oh, thank you for clarifying. I really didnĀ“t know what you meant. And youĀ“re right that I donĀ“t want my sexual lust taken away.
  12. Transgender Q&A

    Me too. ItĀ“s tough not following precepts and all, but, on the bright side, weĀ“re not bad Buddhists. Just look on the internet: those fellas know a thing or two about ethical lapses. Fortunately, youĀ“re asexual which really cuts down on the suffering. As for myself, it hurts when potential bootie callers claim they canĀ“t find my apartment. I keep telling them....go through the mysterious gate, go through the mysterious gate. But they never do. So I end up staying up all night beating the heavenly drum. Seriously though, ya spend the best decades of your life traipsing through China in search of lost teachings, and then, when youĀ“re finally old and wise, nobody wants to drink from your gourd. Life sucks and then ya donĀ“t die.
  13. Transgender Q&A

    Not to give myself too much credit or anything, but I kinda knew that.
  14. Transgender Q&A

    IĀ“m not exactly sure what you mean (is the well asexuality or lesbian sex or a particular body part that will go unnamed?) but IĀ“m just joking around.
  15. Transgender Q&A

    Asexuality is sounding better and better.