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About abolitionist

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    Dao Bum
  1. How do you know I am not typing these posts from an unspecified location in a Western country?
  2. An American businessman took a vacation to a small coastal Mexican village on doctors orders. After a phone call from home that upset him, he walked out on the dock and saw a single fisherman in a small boat with several large yellow fin tuna. The American complimented the fisherman on the catch. The American inquires, "How long did it take you to catch the fish?" The Mexican answers, "Only a little while." "Why don't you stay out longer and catch some more fish, returns the American." "I have enough for my family and to give to some friends," the fisherman said as he unloaded the boat. "Then what do you do with the rest of your time?" He smiles and says, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, and stroll the village in the evening while I sip wine and play guitar. I have a full and busy life, senor." The American laughs. "Sir, Im a Harvard M.B.A and can help you. You should spend more time fishing so that you can buy a bigger boat and hire a crew. Before you know it, you can buy more boats and increase the haul." He continues, "Instead of selling to a middleman, you could sell directly to customer,then you could expand the enterprise.The best part is that you could eventually sell the business stock as an IPO and become a millionaire." The fisherman asks, "How long will that take?" The American replies, "15-20 years, 25 tops" "Then What?" "Then you would retire and move to a small coastal fishing village, where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, and stroll the village in the evenings while you sip wine and play guitar with your Amigos..." Most women, especially most young women, I met nowadays have been so brainwashed by the American Culture that they don't even know their own Material Desires and Attachments are the same things making them so unhappy. It is the rare young woman who doesn't get her kicks out of binging on cakes, desserts, beer, wine, meat, icecream or who doesn't value her self-worth by the amount of make-up, jewellery, dresses, ipad/iphone, bags and shoes which she buys. Why anyone would feel happy being around such idiots or why anyone would want to even dirty his own energies by sleeping around with such people so full of material desires/attachments is a complete mystery to me. Would you have sex with an animal? You must be really blind to not see the follies of the current system of slavery which has corrupted and enslave the entire world.
  3. http://www.disclosureproject.org/ http://www.cseti.org/ Steven Greer is one of the rare few American/Westerner who is doing his best to free ALL of Humanity from the evil clutches of the system of slavery. Unfortunately most Americans/Westerners are too lazy, greedy, selfish and lustful to support one of the rare freedom fighters in the West.
  4. I am not against ALL americans or ALL westerners. Just the majority of americans and westerners who refuse to acknowledge that they are the ones supporting their very own governments who are enslaving and terrorizing the rest of the world so that americans and westerners have a better life. It is like a lower hoodlum of the mafia refusing to acknowledge that his bosses are criminals because the lower hoodlum do not want to let go of all the privileges and money and welfare of being a member of the mafia even though the mafia are committing crimes against the masses of the world. So in this way, the lower hoodlum even refuse to acknowledge that he is himself a criminal abusing and terrorizing others for his own gain and benefit! Just analyze the wealth and standard of life for citizens living in the West vs the East. Most Eastern citizens are living at the below poverty line while Most Western citizens have at least big cars and houses to live in. Sure there are impoverished people living in the West but the numbers and level of poverty in the West is nowhere compared to the numbers and level of poverty in the East. Anyone with eyes can see that the West is enslaving the rest of the world by forcing the rest of the world's citizens to live like slaves so that Westerners in particular Americans can enjoy middle-level slave manager lives. It is time for the West to make amends to the East by acknowledging that the West has been terrorizing and enslaving the whole world especially the East for the West's benefits!
  5. The American Capitalist model of free market economy is actually an excuse for American MNCs to invade other countries and abuse/enslave other countries' citizens and the natural resources/environment of other countries in order to create wealth and comfortable standards of living for its own citizens. The saying "don't shit in your own backyard" comes to mind. If the environment of a country is going to be destroyed by certain manufacturing industries, if the populace of certain countries have to be enslaved and work 16 hour shifts at less than minimum wages, why not enslave the lesser citizens/races of other countries so that those in the West Why not destroy the environment of other countries so that those in the West can live in relatively cleaner environments with cleaner water and cleaner air? It is time the rest of the world, especially the 4 billion plus citizens living in the East, wake up and see with their own eyes how the West, especially the Americans, are destroying and enslaving the whole world.
  6. The American Capitalist model of free market economy is actually an excuse for American MNCs to invade other countries and abuse/enslave other countries' citizens and the natural resources/environment of other countries in order to create wealth and comfortable standards of living for its own citizens. The saying "don't shit in your own backyard" comes to mind. If the environment of a country is going to be destroyed by certain manufacturing industries, if the populace of certain countries have to be enslaved and work 16 hour shifts at less than minimum wages, why not enslave the lesser citizens/races of other countries so that those in the West Why not destroy the environment of other countries so that those in the West can live in relatively cleaner environments with cleaner water and cleaner air? It is time the rest of the world, especially the 4 billion plus citizens living in the East, wake up and see with their own eyes how the West, especially the Americans, are destroying and enslaving the whole world.
  7. No amount of rights and freedom will help anyone attain Enlightenment and Happiness. You have all these rights and freedom in the West and what do people do? People abuse their rights and freedom to cause chaos and mayhem in other people's lives. In the US alone with the highest incarceration rates in the world, the level of substance abuse and assault/murder by firearms is staggering. The more rights, the more freedom, the average Unenlightened human has, the more the average Unenlightened human will abuse his rights and freedoms to gain more material stuff for himself. Hey look at the US, why are people still slaves to the system even though they supposedly have more rights and freedoms than most other people on this planet? Or are the Americans used as middle-level slaves/managers to control and enslave the lower-level slaves of other races in other parts of the world? If this is the case, then there is more justification than ever to wipe out American Culture from human existence forever and permanently.
  8. This is why the entire Western culture has to be brought to its knees because the entire Western Culture has subverted the poor and lower class citizens of the world especially the poor and lower class citizens in Asia through hooking the entire world to mobile communication devices and the internet through the heart. No human ever needs any external device or any other human being or any other being for that matter to become the Buddha/Tao/Christ/God! By hooking the entire world on this man-made system is like condemning the world and cursing humanity with a black fate as a race of drug addicts. Only the East with all its teachings of Inner, Independent Enlightenment can save this world now and it is time for the Western Culture with all its nonsense of freedoms, rights, happiness, love, desires are wiped out once and for all.
  9. Western Industrial Revolution oppose Siddhis and is thus contrary to Enlightenment. Western Industrial Revolution was created by Black Satanist Lodges in Europe and eventually transferred to the US because the Satanist Power Elite in Europe wanted to remove the teachings of Enlightenment and Siddhis from the European Mindset. This is why Jesus and his Order, the Essenes as well as the Knight Templats were Massacred by the Vatican. Because the Vatican do not want Europeans to attain Enlightenment and the corresponding Siddhis as a result. Matter of fact is, every human being on this planet has the power to create any objects with his bare hands and with just thought alone. All those ascetics and yogis with those powers of teleportation, instantaneous healing, instant manifestation of objects are actually interfacing with quantum physics at the atom level. Science, computers, electronics, communications, mobile devices, cars, machines, television etc are also another way of interfacing with quantum physics. However because we have been "taught" or "brainwashed" to "believe" that the only way of advancing our lives or interacting with reality is through science, computers, electronics, mobile communication devices, cars, television and machines, and we are brainwashed by the government and the media to believe in science and disregard occult powers and siddhis entirely, this is why most of us are unable to easily gain access to our Higher Selves and tap the innate power of siddhis deep within us. This is why the ETs, the Rich and Elite and the Evil Powers that Be have to invent this bloody scam of hooking everyone in the world through the internet and mobile communication devices. Because all these ipad and iphones only let your access your time travel powers and spiritual senses through external devices but the government and the rich and their ET immortal masters do not tell you that you can gain access to all your own innate siddhis and spiritual powers all on your own without the need for external devices! It is like giving a magic wand to a wizard and telling him that he can only access his own innate spiritual power throught the use of his magic wand when the wizard has the capability to access all his powers without the use of any foci or external devices in the first place! Creating a dependence out of nothing, this is what the system of world-wide slavery is all about!
  10. Punishment for not doing the right thing..

    If I am an evil drug dealer who seeks to make profit off others by hooking others on drugs, then I would want others to take my life in order to prevent myself from heaping more misery upon others. There is no such thing as Good or Evil. Good and Evil are manmade concepts., There is only Enlightenment and non-Enlightenment. If I have to commit other evil in order to help myself or other people attain Enlightenment, then this is a worthy act. Plenty of Taoist Sages, Buddhas and other Enlightened Beings have done plenty of evil acts in order to awaken their students. Ask any True Teacher of Spirituality and Enlightenment on how they inflict pain on their students in order to test their resolve and will.
  11. When you fill your obese stomachs with meat and fine wine, you get this temporary wave of bliss. Yet when you are hungry and starving for food, and you can't seem to find the good food to fulfill your stomach, then you get really pissed off and cranky because you can't find this temporary wave of bliss anymore. When you are fcuking with someone and climaxing after your reached orgasms, you get this temporary wave of bliss. Yet a few days later, when you can't find someone to release your sperm or your spouse refuse to make it out with you, you get all cranky and pissed off because this temporary wave of bliss is denied you. I see all these threads about people being alone and not finding anyone or even not getting along with their spouses. I also see all these threads about people extolling the virtues of eating meat and good food because it makes them feel good. How can you call yourself a seeker of Enlightenment when you do not seek to free your minds and egos from the tyranny of being chained to the temporary wave of bliss given to you by your ADDICTIONS to your base material desires? How can you call yourself a seeker of Enlightenment when you refuse to acknowledge the very source of your pain and misery is the same source of impermanent happiness in your reality? When the very source of your pain and misery is the only source of happiness in your world because you can't seem to find your Inner Buddha/Tao/God within yourself who will truly give you unlimited waves of permanent bliss then?
  12. No amount of Happiness or Love will Free you from your Egos, your Minds and The System of Slavery. You can be Obama, Bill Gates or President of China fine dining in posh 6-star restaurants everyday, sleeping with the hottest models every night, zipping about in the latest lamborghini or porsche sportscar, have billions of cash to play with and have millions of employees under your command. You have be the politician, president, emperor or king of the country or even the world who lords it over every single human being on this planet and commands every bit of resource on this planet. Yet all this Base Material Happiness and Base Material Love from attaining and fulfilling material desires will never help you to attain Enlightenment and really achieve the True Happiness and the True Love from reaching your Inner Buddha/Tao/God inside. When you are truly Enlightened and Free from the Chains of your Egos and Minds, it is only then can you achieve Total Freedom from the System of Slavery itself. For it won't matter to an Enlightened Person if he is a king or a pauper, if he is surrounded by a huge loving family in a 100-acre mansion or starving and freezing on a cold mountain top. The Enlightened Person remains a free and truly Happy man either way because he has liberated his mind and ego from the system of slavery.
  13. We are all Slaves to our Minds, Egos and The System.