
Feeling Powerful vs Happy

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This is something I've been thinking about today, or should I say feeling about.


I've noticed that when I consciously feel powerful I can get great things done, people are more inclined to respect what I have to say, be the first to move out of the way while I'm walking down the street and people generally seem to look upon me with favor, which is important in the sales part of my business.

When I consciously feel happy and grateful, I become more sensitive and I notice more beautiful things and feel good, but in a flow kind of way.

The thing is I haven't been able to combine these two states. When I consciously feel powerful, I loose that feeling of happiness and I relish more in victories. When I feel happy, I feel more at ease and flow but I loose that sense of power.

They seem to be such different states I'm having trouble combining them.

Does this make sense to anyone?

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yes must delete

Edited by skydog
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Yep, you gotta delete; you have to remove the separation between the two states. How does one do this? Hehehe. I have no freakin' idea. But it will require an attitude adjustment. Sounds like the problem is in your making value judgements and not anything to do with your capabilities and capacities. Stop passing judgement - just be successful and happy.

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Yeah it's like a lot of things with this stuff...for the people who do it, it's natural. So how to describe how to do it?


I have a competitive streak, but a small one. Very small. I'm only competitive in a fun, "we're all in this together" sense. So my power trips are pretty pathetically small.


I love when I'm feeling great, powerful, energetic, happy and willing to help anyone who needs it. Basically, wanting to infect everyone with the power I'm feeling. Some of this came with adolescence wearing off.

Edited by i am
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Hi Fold,


First one is where you derived happiness from you taking actions.

Second one is when you derived happiness from being grateful and content from what you already have.

Though the conditions for them are different, they precedes each-other and are one of the same; the flow in action and non-action.


Wish you found that you seek and may happiness and peace always be with you on your path.



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The thing that pops out at me is that feeling powerful involves ego - a separation of yourself from the rest, feeling more powerful than others. As opposed to feeling happy and grateful, as you put it.....I don't think the two mindsets can peacefully co-exist. To feel grateful would be to feel as part of the Whole, sensing your humility and realizing that you are part of the magnificent Whole.


I'm doing a lot of studying now on Science of Mind, and it addresses this same thing. Healings are not done from a place of a power-feeling; rather, they're done from alignment with what's already perfect and existing, removing error thinking.

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power = happiness, and happiness = power. This is true. Power is an addictive drug that makes wo/men happy. It is like a cocaine rush. Power also not does not need to equal happiness. Power can equal sadness too - such as might happen if you had a termite infestation in your house. You need to kill them in order to stop the damage, so you use your power, maybe to hire an exterminator, but if you are nonviolent, you aren't necessarily happy about killing, it is simply that which must be done. So happiness and power can be combined; for example, suppose you have the power to save a life - helping old grannies to cross a street, perhaps, etc. You should feel happy to help and use your power in doing so. I would.


In physics power is the rate at which energy is transferred, used, or transformed. It is fun to use energy, fun to express chi. High rates of chi expenditure equals high power. It feels good to lift and throw heavy objects like they are nothing.


I think that there are different types of happiness...When you say you relish something, that means you delight in the feeling. Is not delight a kind of happiness? I say that you prefer the 'happiness of other happinesses' vs. 'delight in power and its results happiness'

Edited by Songtsan

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its the ole yang thing..

Hmnn, I wonder if happiness is (acceptance based) yin and power is (changing something) yan? Its hard to feel'em both at the same time because they're toward opposite ends of the scale.? Not opposites, just on different sides.

Edited by thelerner

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Hmnn, I wonder if happiness is (acceptance based) yin and power is (changing something) yan? Its hard to feel'em both at the same time because they're toward opposite ends of the scale.? Not opposites, just on different sides.

Interesting and caused a thought.


Electricity: If current is flowing through a circuit, ie, there is a load, whether one touches the positive or negative (Yang or Yin) one will get a shock. However, it there is no current flow and there is no complete circuit, ie, no load, one can touch the negative all day long and never be shocked but if one touches the positive (Yang) on will become the load, completing the circuit, and get shocked.

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Thanks for the replies, there's some very interesting ideas here.


I've concluded that power is actually very important in my life and that by combining the feeling of power with the desire to help others / compassion produces its own kind of enjoyable flow state. Since I'm very sensitive to energy nowadays, I noticed that when I would just consciously feel powerful I would get several positive results but would get pain in my body and my heart would close down. By combining the feeling of power with compassion towards others solved this issue and it feels like light, warmth and has a directed quality to it.


Also I've made peace with the fact that there's a time for this and a time for that. Which means being in one state doesn't invalidate being in the other state at a different time. I guess looking for the unified theory of everything here kind of blindsighted me to the common senseness of that.

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Also I've made peace with the fact that there's a time for this and a time for that. Which means being in one state doesn't invalidate being in the other state at a different time. I guess looking for the unified theory of everything here kind of blindsighted me to the common senseness of that.

Great observation!

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Thanks for the replies, there's some very interesting ideas here.


By combining the feeling of power with compassion towards others solved this issue and it feels like light, warmth and has a directed quality to it.



There's your huckleberry.


and in my experience the power-feeling must be the power that comes through us, as opposed to us feeling that we are generating the power ourselves. Ego remains the enemy to the true, silent power of the sage.

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