
Thrice Yearning Ceremony Handbook

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I had put this in the Buddhist category, but felt that it would get lost there. Sorry for the repost.


Greetings All,


Attached you will find an English version of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony. It is a practice in Pure Land Buddhist Cultivation which offers those who passed on, no matter where they are, to hear the Buddha's teachings and hopefully result in their being reborn in the Buddha's Pure Land.


It is a very powerful practice. I will soon speak about many of the experiences I have had while performing this in large groups and personally.




Peace and Blessings ,

Lin Ai Wei


Edited by 林愛偉
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This is part of a short book I am writing on the experiences I have had during this Thrice Yearning Ceremony.

A Temple in China

When I first came to know of the Pure Land practice of Thrice Yearning and Chanting, I felt a profound understanding of its function. Right away a peace and reassurance swept over me, and I was able to see with the mind’s eye the interdependence and compassion of every realm of every living being of the ten directions.

Though seeing the practice in a ceremonious fashion appeared to be just thousands of cultivators chanting the Buddha’s Name and reciting Sutras, the efficacious mannerisms they portrayed, the selfless behavior and application of their life force truly was magnificent.

After the first time I saw such a practice, I was reassured of what I had experienced in various states of observing and interacting in the various realms of living beings. During my time in a Pure Land Buddhist Educational Center/Monastery, I witnessed and partook in a Crossing Over ceremony for those who were about to pass on.

All cultivators, left home and at home, would take 2 hour shifts of chanting the Buddha’s Name while in the same room, called the Rebirth in the Pure Land Hall, along side the person preparing to pass on. The almost-passing would be lying down at the side of the room, immersed in the dim-lit ambiance of candles, incense, chanting and a thick and heavy penetrating comfort that wasn’t heavy like dense and stressful, but heavy that you felt it penetrate your skin and bones, and light enough to make anyone feel welcome and loved.

The chanting would go on until the person fully passed on, and would continue for an hour or so afterwards. Then the body was checked for signs of being reborn in the pure Land, such as heat at the head, chest or feet, or even cold temperatures to find out if they went on to another realm altogether due to their karmic afflictions.
Fortunately, those who passed on did indeed go to the Pure Land. How were we sure? Well, the body wasn’t stiff at all, and even after a day or two, certain areas were very, very warm: top of the head, chest and waist areas. Sometimes the entire body was warm, and the room where the body laid was filled with a very noticeable fragrance of flowers.

When the body was cremated, it left crystallized fragments called Sharira (She Li Zi in Mandarin Chinese). These are further signs of being reborn in a Pure Land.

Besides the hands on certification to the passing’s rebirth, I personally had witnessed something very profound. Due to my years of cultivation and practice, I was able to attain eyes to see, and so on this day, what was spoken of in β€˜The Buddha Speaks the Amitabha Sutra’, I actually saw with my own eyes wide open.

During the chanting, perhaps several hours into it, my group was up for chanting, and so switched with the previous one. Suddenly, during the chanting, I felt a strong vibration penetrate the atmosphere, and my attention intuitively moved towards the foot of the bed of the passing one. At that time, I saw a rip in the space at the foot of the bed, and a great light poured into the room, not blinding, but comforting.

Then the rip opened wider into what looked like a large rounded door-way. It was not fixed in position, so it grew wider and wider to what I thought was about 5ft wide and 6ft tall, but then again, it didn’t matter. In the space of this door-way, I literally saw three large figures appear. They were very easy to make out, and no they didn’t look like the statues and certainly didn’t appear as some of the images depicted them to be like.

I literally saw Amitabha Buddha, Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin) Bodhisattva and Great Strength Bodhisattva walk right to the front of the door-way-like portal. Smiling, and comforting, they welcomed the passed-on-one to come with them. Without wasting any time, the passed on leapt right out of the body, changed its karmic appearance from woman to man, and grabbed the extended hand of Amitabha Buddha.

There were no words spoken, but the communication between the four was so profoundly loud, that is literally vibrated my heart, forehead, crown and spine. I averted my eyes to the space behind the Pure Lands Triple Jewel, and saw an ocean of Bodhisattvas in the background. The land was beautiful indeed.

Suddenly, the passed-on-one walked with the three sages and the door-way faded into nothingness. The atmosphere in the room was full of a light fragrance of flowers, strong enough to realize it normally, but light enough to not break your concentration. The heaviness in the room became a comforting breeze, and not only warmed us all, but also helped to ease the pain in our backs and legs from sitting upright and some even cross-legged in Lotus Position.

A few days later we had another ready-to-pass-on. This time it took a day or two, but a similar situation occurred. Not every experience is the same, and not every time will it be so bluntly visible to the cultivator. I witnessed in the mind of the passing-on-one, the struggle of their emotions and attachments. I witnessed their negative afflictions causing crazy strife within them; pain and heartache, etc.

Yet, after a day or so of chanting, and applying our minds with the passing-on-one, they too were whisked away to the Pure Land. This time, they were received in their mind, meaning the scene didn’t appear as the same one from the above described experience. It was through the person’s mind which they were pulled right into the Pure Land, and affixed, reborn, literally into a lotus blossom within their mind.

When the body was checked, the abdomen was warm, indicated a birth in the middle grades of the Pure Land. Of course, this will need more commentary, but please, don’t try to think too much and come to your own conclusions. Some things a person will just not understand, no matter how much they think they know.

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Jing Xin Yuan Lay Buddhist Cultivation Center

New York


In 2009 I returned from China and opened my own cultivation school in New York called Jing Xin Yuan. I had it opened from 2009-November 2011. There I taught about Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Martial Arts and performed/organized, with my students and colleagues, various free community events.


One time I was invited to partake in a Thrice Yearning and Chanting ceremony in Manhattan. I was excited, and asked a few students to come along. Three students came along with me to Chinatown, Manhattan for the ceremony. They didn’t know what to expect, no matter how much I explained to them.


In the beginning of the ceremony, the energy began to get thick and heavy, just like my last experience in the temple in China. I had told my students that they may experience some adversity to the ceremony because their own negative karma would begin to transform, and lessen. Thus they may feel states of frustration, anger, sorrow, joy, and even sometimes physical discomfort.


Lo and behold, a young student of mine began to feel lightheaded, and weak. She began to wobble in her place. I felt something strange coming from her, and turned my head to find her ready to fall down. I grabbed her, and carried her out to rest.


I asked her if she ate breakfast, and she said no. I remember telling her to eat breakfast, because things get a bit intense during the ceremony and if there is any weakness, it will be used by negative karma, and be emphasized, yet also be used to lessen other karmic afflictions. Well, she didn’t eat, and became amazingly lightheaded, and weak.


Some caretakers of the ceremony brought over water and lots of breads and small things to eat. She felt a bit better, and wanted to continue the ceremony. I gave her a quick transference of energy to boost up her own circulation. She felt clearer in mind and stronger in body, and then continued on with the ceremony.


As the ceremony went on, something intense happened. It was as though a loud, but low toned hum penetrated the atmosphere. I felt a strong pressure upon the top of my head, and I looked up. I never saw such an intense, amazing site as this, I thought. As I watched the very highest point of the ceiling, the entire ceiling became a portal-like black hole-like sight.


The entire ceiling became black, then a light blue light penetrated it, and in the center of this blue light, was a bright white light. In the center of the white light came thousands and thousands of living beings who have passed on. Coming in the thousands, these beings were being pulled in from a vortex-like shaped manifestation. I penetrated the manifestation with my mind’s eye, and saw that this vortex reached up into space, far out into various realms and lands throughout the universe, and many others as well.


Countless beings poured into the ceremony hall, and not one of them needed a place to sit, all of them were not able to limit space in the hall as well. It was as though the hall grew bigger and bigger. The whole occurrence happened suddenly, and lasted for about 30 minutes. Just from the start of the ceremony, about an hour or so into it, this situation occurred. It was a shot of light upwards from all the participants, which penetrated all realms, all directions. Then, the vortex manifested and countless beings arrived.


I turned to my disciple, and asked him if he can see this. He replied that he finds the ceremony very boring, and useless. I laughed and smiled. Then said to him, only if you actually were able to see what I am seeing, would you change your views, too bad. Then I laughed. He asked me what it was, and I described to him the intensity of the situation. He thus trusted me, and turned his focus on the recitation and practice. He then began to feel a change in the atmosphere as well.


All those beings entered the room, and filled the aisles of both lower and upper decks. The room fit a good several hundred people, but these beings had enough space, and they were in the thousands. They bowed when we bowed, they chanted when we chanted, they listened when we listened. Then throughout the ceremony, one by one, many began to disappear. Literally just in their bowing, they would simply disappear


The room became brighter, lighter, and full of an inherently penetrating joy that touched everyone. While observing all of this, I decided to take a look around the space of our building we were in. Surrounding it was a great large dome-like appearance of purple light, emanating a white light and penetrating realm after realm as though they were no more than a hairsbreadth away from each other.


I returned my gaze to the ceremony hall, and just was totally pleased with the fact that more and more living beings were journeying to the Pure Land. More entered, and more went. It was a constant exchange of coming and going. Then, when the ceremony was over, late in the afternoon, the whole building glowed with a great white-purplish light, and the vortex vanished. Thousands of living beings left for the Pure Land that ceremony. It was as though it was inevitable for them to be reborn there.


Sometimes, living beings do not cross over in one ceremony. Sometimes they just can’t put down their own afflictions, views and ego. Yet, this ceremony, on that day, was amazingly wonderful. Many found their way to the Pure Land. All participants were lent a booklet to follow along in the ceremony. I thought to have one to take home so I may perform the ceremony personally.


My disciple then looked at me and asked me if I wanted the book to take home. I smiled and said if he can ask for me. Throughout the day, we had forgotten the idea of receiving a book. A week later there was another ceremony scheduled, and my disciple participated in it, I didn’t. After the ceremony, a few days later, he came to our cultivation center and brought a copy of the booklet for the ceremony. He gave it to me.


I was very grateful, and from that point on, 3 days a week, I performed one part of the ceremony personally, in the late in the evening, after everyone had gone home.

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Personal Practice of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony 1

New York



Once I received a Thrice Yearning Ceremony handbook, I immediately began preparing for a personal practice. One of the experiences was quite interesting, though every time I did the ceremony I received various responses.


On one occasion, I remember very clearly, I began by using the Jeweled Conch hand and eye in order to summon the good spirits and dragons to summon all those with affinities to come and listen to the Buddha’s teachings, to be reborn in the Pure Land. Then, struck the bell 3 times, lit incense, asked the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Solitary Enlightened Ones, Arhats and Dharma Protectors to come and help teach those who may arrive for the ceremony.


Once I began the ceremony, it was as though time and space had no existence whatsoever. The air, noticeably, became fuller, and charged as though there was a light current of electricity present. A light hue of white, blue and purple overcame the brightly lit room, and the sounds of the recitation machine drowned out. All that was heard was my voice and nothing else.


I performed the ceremony while walking in a large circle in the cultivation hall. It was one of the things I liked doing out of the 3 ways I like to practice: circle walking (circumambulating the Buddha), sitting or standing. Suddenly, I noticed light penetrating through the windows, and the room full of those whopassed on, diligently listening. Some were sitting, some were standing, and others were following behind me as I walked in a large circle.


I noticed the presence of many more visitors on the roof, out the windows, in my stairwell, as well as filling up the rooms of the school, not to mention surrounding the school on the street outside.


I simply kept reciting, and reading for them, wither in Chinese or English, depending on how I felt that evening.


When the ceremony was over, just after I performed the Transfer of Merit and Virtue, and requested they all leave and return for the next ceremony, the ambiance cleared, and not one remained. Sounds returned to the environment and the recitation machine, which had been playing the whole time, had finally been heard.


I wasn’t surprised, but excited, because so many were able to listen, practice, make vows and be on their way.

Edited by 林愛偉

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Personal Practice of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony 2

New York



On another occasion, one night, while performing the ceremony, I noticed the air became warmer; it also carried a certain charge to it. I began reciting and reading, when suddenly, I noticed the manifestation of the vibration of my voice. A rip manifested in the space between the ceiling and my head at an angle to my right. It opened up and I saw endless worlds and endless beings within them all listening to the teachings.


I saw many Buddhas as well, and they were listening and guiding those who they brought to hear the teachings of the ceremony. All sound around me ceased, all time and conceptions of it just didn’t exist.


Then, as my concentration grew deeper, stronger, I heard my voice echoed throughout the universe, penetrating every single thing and no thing in all realms that had affinities to hear what I was reading.


I saw the universe, many of them, colored and not colored, bright and not bright, peaceful and not peaceful ones. I saw endless beings attentively listening to various Buddhas speak the Dharma. I traveled in mind, broke through limited constraints, and observed all the various realms out there for the time I was doing so.


In the cultivation hall, there were many beings listening and meditating, practicing and investigating their mind. Many were human formed; many were deformed wretched looking manifestations, demons, saints, immortals, etc. All came to listen to the teachings and empower the efficacy of the function.


At the end of the ceremony, as usual, they were requested to leave, those who stayed, and thus the room returned back to its previous state.

Edited by 林愛偉

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Re-Capping Events 1


Over the years of my practice of the Thrice Yearning Ceremony, I have experienced many profound instances. Some have been very direct, even when not performing the ceremony, but more as a request to do the ceremony. A request made by those who have passed on.


On one such instance, while in China, I was visited by a relative. Before the beginning of the Lunar New Year, a passed-on relative came to me. I first felt a body-less presence, then turning to its direction, there he was. He asked to go to his grave site, and perform the ceremony for him and thousands more who have passed on in the village. Some were killed in war, some multi-national. He asked me to look around our home and see the family members who passed on. Some were just hanging around, suffering in their place of confusion, many were distraught as to not being sure what was going on, as though they didn’t know they were passed on, out of their body.


Without question, I agreed, and on the day of the Lunar New Year, I grabbed my book, and walked over to his grave site. When I arrived there, there was a faint light over the grave site. Then I looked out over the fields of crops that lay out over acres of land; shadowed by large hill tops and trees, and a vast spread of the sky. It was a magnificent site indeed.


I proceeded to light incense and utilize the Jeweled conch hand and eye, as usual. Suddenly, without wasting one moment, the whole entire area was full of those passed, Dharma protectors, dragons, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. If I was able to take a picture, it would look like a mass of pastel colors in human body shapes. Some had no specific shape and were manifest as a large radiating mas of energy, but did indeed speak.


Their speech is of no language, but they utilize the vibrations of thought and emotion that humans are familiar with in order to communicate with them telepathically. Not all who have passed on can do this. Only those with some skill, or better said, energy.


I looked out to the sky while performing the ceremony. It too was occupied with beings watching over us, creating a dome-like manifestation of energy as a protection from mischievous ghosts, mountain spirits, demons, etc. Of course, there were demon-like beings partaking in the ceremony. All are welcome, so it didn’t make much of a difference as long as they didn’t try to mess around with the practice. Everyone must follow the rules of conduct and practice, so no one was out of line.


We all continued with the practice, and throughout the 40 minutes, there was no outside sound, no dogs or cats running by, no birds flying over head. It was just a silent sanctuary of the most penetrating and thunderous roar ever heard.


Towards the end of the ceremony, many lifted off into door-like portals over their heads. Some disappeared right in their place, others still remained, but the majority of the thousands that participated did indeed find their way to freedom.

I glanced back at the grave site as I finished the transfer of merits and virtue, and peered out at the large expanse of land in front of me.


Many had cleared away, and as I finished the last phrases, and closed the ceremony, those in the skies waited for me to be on my way before they themselves returned to wherever they were prior to the ceremony.


On the grave site, my relative stood there pleased. He smiled, nodded, and faded into the space around him. A light hue of bright energy over took the grave site and the whole expanse of land. It appeared to be a reassurance that many did indeed fulfill their vows during the ceremony, and went on their way to the Pure Land.


I then made my way home, but before I did, I gave a deep bow to those in the skies watching over the ceremony. Pleased, they disappeared instantaneously as I lifted up my head with palms together. Leaving in their places a hue of a stream light. The walk home was brief, but the road was lit up as though street lamps were shining upon it. That evening, the air was very crisp and cool, of course it was a cold day, but unusually pleasant for 0 degree weather.

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well, usually some things generate a yang-ish response especially on yangming - I remember the jeweled conch, but the sweeping over sensation was front, cv tai yin shao yin...ish, upon remembering. :) /\ and then my alarm just went off now, the yun shui chan xin from one of those compilations :D

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well, usually some things generate a yang-ish response especially on yangming - I remember the jeweled conch, but the sweeping over sensation was front, cv tai yin shao yin...ish, upon remembering. :) /\ and then my alarm just went off now, the yun shui chan xin from one of those compilations :D


Yun Shui Chan XIn... hahaha nice isn't it?

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Amazing! I'll love to hear your experiences soon. I'm surprised no one even replied to this.


Many are stuck on views of Pure Land as a worshiping practice, something like Judeo-Christian practices, and also many believe the Pure Land is just an intermediary state. Too many false views about something they really don't know much about, hinders them from a very profound practice.


Many fail to realize the expedient, and the function. Rather, they see what their ego feels is a threat to its existence. Hence the Buddha said its the most easiest method, and the most hardest to believe.

Edited by 林愛偉
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